Monday, September 29, 2014

Beauty Game Changers

I recently stumbled upon three game changers  in my daily routine.  I don't try new products very often. Once I find something I like, I usually stick with it 'til it is discontinued or stops working for me.  But sometimes, strolling down the shiny aisles of Target with a grabby toddler- something catches my eye.  Side Note - Jonas is convinced that the floors are water- Target knows how to shine a floor. 

First off and I think my favorite of the three- Argan oil of Morocco by OGX.  My sister actually told me about this one.  I haven't used conditioner since I started using this spray after I blow dry my hair. It smells nice too and the spray bottle keeps the application light so your hair won't be weighed down.

Next is this neutral eye shadow palette by Boots Botanicals.  I wasn't expecting much but bought this for the nice color combo.  When I first applied it I was so impressed, the pigments are saturated and yet still look natural.  

Love these Maybelline Baby Lips- but why are they called Baby Lips- they should change it to mama lips.  This is such a game changer.  Sheer Color in the form of a lip gloss.  You don't need a mirror to apply but the color is just enough to brighten up you face.  I bought three but want to buy more to have in each purse/ diaper bag and by the front door...  it is really really good.

Would love to hear some of your favorite beauty items!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mama Sleep

Sleep- our little guy wants less, we want more. Before Jojo I had no idea how much I would really miss sleep. 2 years later -I still think about it and long for it daily.  I wake up in the morning so tired and remind myself that I will never sleep again the way I did before.  We are in a period of no nap lately- which is so tough.  The days are long.   I had a small victory last week and he started "rest" time in his room and that seemed to work, but suddenly he decided to use it as playtime.  So we will see how long this lasts.  I think its more than a phase (can phases last 6 months?).

Its not just the lack of sleep that I experience because of his lack of sleep.  It is deeper really- this mama sleep.  One ear open always, always.  One day, you wake up- changed forever- you are a Mama. And no one can tell you how it really is, because you won't really believe it.  And because your story will be a little bit different.  From that moment almost 2 years ago, my heart was/is full with thoughts of him.  It beats his past, present, future.

From that moment sleep and rest was different. Even though I have moments of longing for that restful, carefree, deep, lovely sleep of the past-  I find it such an sweet privelege to carry him this way.  I would not wish it any other way and it is really precious this new sleep with one ear open always, always.  Running for that late night bottle, kissing away the nightmares, laying awake at night dreaming and worrying about the future.

Knowing I am not alone, gives me strength.  I think of my mother and the mothers before those mothers and the selfless love that hones these little lives.  This selfless love that duplicates and grows up loving mothers and fathers.  What a privilege this is.  So in the wee hours of tomorrow, when I'm wiping the sleep out of my eyes I will think of these things and remember that I am blessed to say goodbye to the restful sleep and keep one ear open always, always.  goodnight