Monday, September 29, 2014

Beauty Game Changers

I recently stumbled upon three game changers  in my daily routine.  I don't try new products very often. Once I find something I like, I usually stick with it 'til it is discontinued or stops working for me.  But sometimes, strolling down the shiny aisles of Target with a grabby toddler- something catches my eye.  Side Note - Jonas is convinced that the floors are water- Target knows how to shine a floor. 

First off and I think my favorite of the three- Argan oil of Morocco by OGX.  My sister actually told me about this one.  I haven't used conditioner since I started using this spray after I blow dry my hair. It smells nice too and the spray bottle keeps the application light so your hair won't be weighed down.

Next is this neutral eye shadow palette by Boots Botanicals.  I wasn't expecting much but bought this for the nice color combo.  When I first applied it I was so impressed, the pigments are saturated and yet still look natural.  

Love these Maybelline Baby Lips- but why are they called Baby Lips- they should change it to mama lips.  This is such a game changer.  Sheer Color in the form of a lip gloss.  You don't need a mirror to apply but the color is just enough to brighten up you face.  I bought three but want to buy more to have in each purse/ diaper bag and by the front door...  it is really really good.

Would love to hear some of your favorite beauty items!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mama Sleep

Sleep- our little guy wants less, we want more. Before Jojo I had no idea how much I would really miss sleep. 2 years later -I still think about it and long for it daily.  I wake up in the morning so tired and remind myself that I will never sleep again the way I did before.  We are in a period of no nap lately- which is so tough.  The days are long.   I had a small victory last week and he started "rest" time in his room and that seemed to work, but suddenly he decided to use it as playtime.  So we will see how long this lasts.  I think its more than a phase (can phases last 6 months?).

Its not just the lack of sleep that I experience because of his lack of sleep.  It is deeper really- this mama sleep.  One ear open always, always.  One day, you wake up- changed forever- you are a Mama. And no one can tell you how it really is, because you won't really believe it.  And because your story will be a little bit different.  From that moment almost 2 years ago, my heart was/is full with thoughts of him.  It beats his past, present, future.

From that moment sleep and rest was different. Even though I have moments of longing for that restful, carefree, deep, lovely sleep of the past-  I find it such an sweet privelege to carry him this way.  I would not wish it any other way and it is really precious this new sleep with one ear open always, always.  Running for that late night bottle, kissing away the nightmares, laying awake at night dreaming and worrying about the future.

Knowing I am not alone, gives me strength.  I think of my mother and the mothers before those mothers and the selfless love that hones these little lives.  This selfless love that duplicates and grows up loving mothers and fathers.  What a privilege this is.  So in the wee hours of tomorrow, when I'm wiping the sleep out of my eyes I will think of these things and remember that I am blessed to say goodbye to the restful sleep and keep one ear open always, always.  goodnight

Monday, August 25, 2014

Keeping Memories

Yikes, you guys!  My babe is almost 2 and I haven't even started a baby book yet....  I really planned on completing one right after his first birthday but oops. One reason for the delay is that I had the hardest time figuring out what format I wanted to use.  I wasn't really happy with any baby book that I found.  I was debating between a bound book printed with our photos and one with lots of room for handwritten memories.

Since 2 is approaching- I feel like I am finally ready to get moving on this. Luckily, I have been collecting moments in a small box and sending emails to myself of little things that I want to remember- so I won't have to rely on memory alone.  Since I can't find one format to capture all our memories - I think I'm going to go big and choose three!

I found  this super cute and small (write in-paste photo) book- Babys First Year by Eric Carle
I love that it is simple, small and not too overwhelming.  It includes a small section for a family tree and other stats that you don't want to forget.

I am also going to be creating a bound hardcover book by Artifact Uprising with our most favorite photos of the first year.  I would love to make one each year going forward.  I'm planning to choose our more powerful memory evoking photos.  I think this will be my favorite.

Have you guys heard of Project Life?  This is such a fun way to keep memories- The pages are pockets and you can slip in photos- printed notecards - or handwritten notes.  There are so many different kits you can get to suite your style or the theme of your album.  No glue needed!  I just love this and the fact that you can rearrange as needed.   I want to use this format to remember favorite toys, daily rituals, meals, and family trips.  I think it would be fun to have a few little notes from grandparents, aunts and uncles.  I'm excited that I won't be limited on writing space and I can add more if needed just by swapping out some note cards or pictures.  The book I have is big so I will probably capture year 1 and 2 in here. Check out some of the fun ideas including the page below here.

I'm Super Excited to get going on this!!  Would love to hear how you collect memories!

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Power of the Pickle

As many of you know, we planted our first garden this year.  When I first started making plans- I imagined it being a hobby for me.  I would spend quiet time watering and tending my little plantings- while Jonas played with Kev or nearby with his ball or sand table.  Kevin built the garden beds and I planted the tiny plants.  It felt nice to work in the dirt and connect with the earth - it was foreign and new and exciting.

 Very soon after finishing the beds -  I quickly learned that this garden hobby was not just mine.  Our little man was thrilled to help me water and tend the crops.  It became such a fun routine every morning- we would grab our hats- he would insist on finding a glove of some sort (gardening is serious work after all) and we would start our work.  In no time at all - I noticed that he would spend more time checking on the plants than he would spend playing in the yard.  I came to terms with the fact- that this garden was his.  And when our first "pickle" was ready to be picked,  he was over the moon!  And he carried that "pickle" along with him the entire day.

I took lots of pictures and looking back through them, I can see these little plants growing and Jojo growing right along with them.  We loved eating the tomatoes and "pickles" fresh from the garden but the thing we loved best was the daily tending and excitement as we watched the plants grow and produce.  The garden was one of the best hobbies we have had yet.  Summer veggie season is coming to and end but we aren't ready to stop.  We are adding another large garden bed and are planning our Winter garden!  We just can't get enough.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Choosing to be Present

One of my favorite moments of Mamma-hood is seeing pure joy on this little guys face.  Whether he is jumping on the bed, or enjoying a popsicle - In that moment nothing else in the world matters- he is fully in the moment. Sometimes he just belts out a song and it's like the world around him stops.  This joy - it is almost magical and sometimes I can feel it - and all that exists is him and me and joy- it is so powerful - awww childhood.

The moments that bring him joy are always simple things- seeing a kitty cat in the driveway or running in the grass.  I love that.  I want to be more like him.  I want to be fully present- I want to enjoy moments like he does.

I love that I can experience childhood again through his eyes and can catch glimpses of pure joy every single day.  I find though, that for me- joy doesn't always come naturally- there are so many things that tug at my attention- lots of things to weigh me down.  I focus so much on things that need to get done, future plans, general worries about random things. Ugh my brain- I have to decide to slow it down and choose to see and experience the simple things in my day.  When I do slow down, I see glimpses of this magic that J lives daily.  Simple really simple things can become so beautiful- enjoying a popsicle, chasing him in the grass- enjoying the warm sun on my skin.  It is so worth it - daily choosing to be present.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th!

Today we are chilling at home- with a cranky little one.  He has been skipping nap lately which creates an interesting night for all of us.  He has been falling asleep just before dinner and wakes up right at bed time- oi.  But this can't last forever, right?

Today we are thankful for silly selfies (see his tiny toes?)  Thankful for cold drinks and mexican food.   But most of all we thankful for our freedom to live in this country where we can- enjoy these slow/ fast days one at a time and drink in the warm sun smiling and laughing- learning and growing together.  Happy Birthday America!!