2015 – I am excited about it. This year will bring a new baby, our little guy will turn 3 and lots of fun adventures as a family. This year, I am hoping to challenge myself in new ways. Juggling being a mother of two little ones while pursuing some creative goals. You have to push yourself to live your dream- this is what have been realizing. I also know that I am capable of a lot. I just need to push hard- carve out some time and get to work.
The tough part is, that I have a lot of goals- just to name a few:
Learn to sew my own clothes
Make my own woven wall hangings
Grow my business
Become a baker
Organize every room in our Home
Get meal planning down to a science
Take little guy to the zoo regularly
So when I sit down to do something I want to do – things are just so muddled. So the first thing I am planning to do is carve out time at night to keep a planner- with mini goals, lists, and thoughts. This is something that I just don’t take time to do so it’s no wonder that I feel so lost. When I was younger- journaling and reflecting always brought clarity to me. I have gotten so far away from that and that time to reflect and plan is something that I need this year. It will make my goals more clear – and I think it will make me a better Mother, Wife and friend too. It is easy for me to get hung up on a certain style of planning/ and finding the perfect planner book and method. But I am hoping to keep it simple- find something that works for me and is easy to refer back to. I’ll keep you posted! Happy New Year!